Player Curriculum

To play as a Paramus United player is more than wearing a Paramus United jersey: it is having professional soccer education, professional training, and involvement within the same development system utilized by many professional teams.

The Paramus United Age Specific Soccer Curriculum will provide each player the opportunity to play soccer in a supportive and rewarding environment that emphasizes player development in a challenging, yet enjoyable way. It is a superior alternative to recreational team programs and offers Boys and Girls age U7-U19 the opportunity for advanced team development in soccer through a detailed age-specific curriculum.

The Paramus United Soccer Curriculum is committed to bringing more technical expertise into each specific age-group program, creating a curriculum of instruction specific to developmental needs at each age group level. The Paramus United Soccer Curriculum has the focused objective of developing players of all skill levels and preparing those players for the game at the competitive level.

The Curriculum is based on key developmental needs that have been identified for each age group. The program is divided into modules that follow a progressive curriculum that focuses on fundamentals, applied techniques and tactical awareness in game situations. The Paramus United coaching staff will follow the coaching curriculum developing the technical, tactical, physical, and mental components of the game in an age appropriate manner in order to help individual player growth by offering them a pathway to future success.